A ‘standard’ is generally accepted criteria developed by an authoritative body. In hollow metal, we comply with ‘standards’ adopted by governments. The CSDMA logo is analogous to a ‘standard’ on letterhead. The ‘standard’ reaction by a hollow metal person, when...
Top 5 Reasons Why Steel Doors Surpass All Other Doors If you are an architect or a specifier, you often have to decide which door and frame materials to use for your projects. Between steel, wood, aluminum and fiberglass, the choice is clear; here are the top 5...
Things to Consider When Installing Steel Frames 1. Consulting the CSDMA’s storage and installation guide. Indeed, the CSDMA website has a “publication” section in which you will find many important documents. Among these publications is a storage and...
How to Choose the Best Commercial Steel Door Company in Canada Businesses face commercial door problems every day. The issues may occur gradually or can appear suddenly without notice. Some issues are so subtle that they go unnoticed for a long time and result in...
Why Choose a Residential Steel Door | CSDMA Steel doors are mostly used in commercial buildings, but less so in residential homes. Wood and fiberglass are the two most popular materials used for residential entry doors. That said, you should not discount steel doors...